Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day 9

So today I woke up in Undercity, with a quite sore back from the goddamn coffin... I bought some breakfast and read some more of my book, it's really intriguing and I'm having a hard time putting it down. I had quite a lot of laundry at this point, but I thought I'd find a lake or something later on where I could wash them. So I packed up and headed out again, I followed this road outside Undercity that lead straight into Silverpine Forest. There was an outpost with guards at the border, so I asked one of them to take a picture of me. Bye bye Tirisfal Glades!

Now I entered the mystical Silverpine Forest. This used to be a part of Gilneas, and the road that goes through the forest was frequently used by travelers on their way to Lordaeron. Nowadays it's controlled mostly by the undead, at least the northern part. I think it's really beautiful here, and this architecture is amazing, just look at this bridge I crossed on the way..!

There is a huge lake in Silverpine Forest, called the Lordamere Lake. In the middle of it is Fenris Isle. The ruined keep that you can see in the picture, Fenris Keep, once belonged to the kingdom of Lordaeron. When the Scourge invaded the lands, all the islands inhabitants fled, and some were also killed. After this the island was taken over by Rot Hide gnolls, and they stayed there for quite some time. Nowadays, though, the keep is inhabited by refugees from Hillsbrad.

It was late afternoon, and I approached the Sepulcher. This used to be a simple graveyard along the main road, but at some point the undead made this into their base of operations here in Silverpine Forest.

There was a neat little altar in one of the buildings, I just love candles!

There was a woman outside who sold mushrooms, so I had some dried King Bolete and spongy morel for dinner, delicious! I was planning on staying in the inn for the night, but it's such a beautiful evening that I'll camp outside instead. The weather is lovely and the night sky is just magnificent..! I'll see you tomorrow!

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