Thursday, March 17, 2016

Day 5

This day started off as usual, I had a quick breakfast and then I headed out to continue my journey. There were still some places to visit in the Ghostlands, and first of all I visited Zul'Aman. For those of you who don't know about this place, it's what is left of the once great Amani Empire. Amani trolls live here, and they are very hostile towards practically anyone, so I didn't go very close. But it's an impressive place, don't you think?

After this I wandered through the forest, and reached the Dead Scar again. It actually begins right here in the Ghostlands, in a place called Deatholme, which is the headquarters for the Scourge in Quel'Thalas. Dar'Khan Drathir also resides here, the traitor who allowed Arthas into Quel'Thalas... Obviously I couldn't go inside, but I got a pic of the majestic main gate.

After my little sightseeing I continued on through the Thalassian Pass, a narrow road through the mountains that connects the Ghostlands with Eastern Plaguelands. A huge elven gate marked the border.

Later in the evening I got to Northpass tower, where I was going to spend the night. This used to be a ruined tower, but after the Cataclysm hit, the Argent Crusade took control over it and repaired it. Looks much better now than before!

I went to the top of the tower, and it's a pretty amazing view from up there. As you all know, Eastern Plaguelands is crawling with Scourge forces. This used to be peaceful farmland long ago, hard to believe that now...

There isn't really a inn in this tower, but one of the knights offered me a spot in one of the tents outside. There was also a food merchant right next to my tent, so I didn't have to go to sleep on an empty stomach..! Now I think I'm going to lay down and read the final chapters of my book. Tomorrow I'll have a closer look at Eastern Plaguelands, and I suspect it won't be very pretty... Good night!

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