Monday, March 21, 2016

Day 7

I slept quite well last night, and woke up feeling very rested. The family I stayed with was nice enough to let me eat breakfast with them, and after that I packed my stuff and headed out again. I strolled around town for a while, and found this merchant who sold lovely clothes. I bought a new shirt(again!), and then I made a quick stop at a library. You see, I have finished reading all the books that I took with me when I left, so I really wanted new ones. Luckily I was able to trade my old books, which meant I didn't have to spend more gold, and my backpack stayed the same weight.  So now I have new books to read, I'm very pleased with that!

After this I headed out of town, and followed the road. I came across Dalson's Farm, and I was happy to see that something can still grow in this place. I actually love farms, and I would really like to own one some day.

I continued down to Andorhal, a city which has been in ruins for quite some time. Originally this was a human city, one of the biggest in the area. However, the city became infected with the Plague, and fell into the hands of the Scourge. It stayed like this for quite some time, until the Cataclysm hit. Both the Alliance and a group of undead wanted to take over the city, and after the Battle of Andorhal the undead were victorious, with some help from Sylvanas herself.

Next up I went to visit Scholomance. If you didn't know, this is a school for necromancers, and it is run by Darkmaster Gandling. The school, originally founded by Kel'Thuzad, is located in the crypts underneath this ruined keep, which is named Caer Darrow. It was once owned by the very wealthy Barov family. Kel'Thuzad approached the family and he promised them immortality if they donated the keep to him. They trusted him and gave the land to him and the Cult of the Damned, but got killed shortly after.

So after this I started to make my way towards Tirisfal Glades. I wanted to take a picture of Uther's Tomb, but there was this angry priest outside who kept chasing me off, so I just continued. I passed the Bulwark, which marks the border between Western Plaguelands and Tirisfal Glades. It is basically a defense establishment, to keep the Scourge forces out. From there I went north a bit, and checked out this forest with a lot of spiders, Venomweb Vale.

Further to the north is Scarlet Monastery, and that's a place I would rather not visit... For all that I care, it could just blow up or something. I followed the main road, and soon I was in Brill, where I was going to sleep. It's a very cozy little town, don't you think?

I went into the inn, and met the innkeeper, Renee Lauer. She told me that she once was an experienced leader in the Scarlet Crusade. This eventually lead to the death of her and her family, and she realized what horrible deeds she had done. I was really intrigued by her story, and after this I asked to stay for the night. Unfortunately there wasn't an available bed, but I got a quiet spot underneath the stairs. So now I'm going to get some sleep, goodnight!

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