Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Day 8

This morning I woke up refreshed and had a quick breakfast. I headed out immediately after that, and my first stop was Calston Estate. It's a lovely, big house, and it is owned by Sedrick Calston. I chatted with him a little bit, he was a very nice man, but also seemed very lonely. I really hope he finds some companion, maybe he should get a pet..?

Next up I went to the Agamand Mills. These mills used to be owned and operated by the Agamand family, but unfortunately they all got slaughtered by the Scourge... It really is a shame, this must have been such a beautiful place.

I went south quite a bit, and ended up in Deathknell. This is where dead bodies are brought and resurrected as undead. The town has had its share of problems with the Scourge and the Scarlet Crusade, and it continues to this very day.

In Deathknell I met an undead, who I convinced to give me a ride on his flying mount, to the top of the big mountains to the west. We landed in this interesting forest, and I snapped some pictures. There was also a giant lake, but no houses or people in sight.

There was this really small island in the lake though, and it seemed like there was something on it, so I swam out to take a look. There was a sun chair, a fishing box, and a skeleton. Seems like a person was fishing on this island, but got attacked by someone and died..? And whoever the attacker was, he just left his sword right there. It seems weird enough, I'll put up a picture just in case someone knows what is going on here.

I got a ride back down to Deathknell, and now it was starting to get late, so I headed for Undercity. I thought I could have some time to do a little sightseeing there, and then find a place to sleep.
I really love this place, I guess it is because I'm undead myself. The colors are wonderful, and skulls really make beautiful ornaments, don't you think?

And then I did some shopping... Again. Yeah, I know I have spent way too much gold already... I suspect I am going to have to find a job of some sort later on when I'm totally broke. So I got this lovely new dress(perfect for warm weather), and another book. My backpack is starting to get a bit heavy, I really can't buy any more unnecessary stuff...

I found the inn, and was glad to hear that it wasn't too expensive. It is really small though, and unfortunately only have coffins. I know most undead prefer to sleep in a coffin, but I actually really like a nice, soft bed... But oh well, I am really tired right now, so a coffin it is. I suspect I will be a little sore tomorrow, see you!

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